No cigarettes lying on the sides of the streets.
No old wrappers from weeks ago stuck in the street gutters.
No lost and old clothes from someone lying on the bathroom floor.
No used and old bottles being blown by the wind.
No horns honking at the stupid street light, that doesn't even seem to change colors.
No smells from the drugs and alcohol from last week.
No old food from 2 weeks ago in over flowing garbage cans.
No homeless people pushing carts with things I would probably see in a trash can.
No police cars chasing down a madman on the side of the freeway.
No loud club music that would most likely deafen your ears.
No cheers of happiness of how Barack Obama is president.
No screams of horrified people in a grocery store being robbed.
No people lying in a dark alley dead or dying.
No sights of young teens smoking.
No people driving drunk because they want to figure out how to pay those bills.
No children sitting around and waiting for someone to save them from that hell they call a home.
No animals crawling out of trash cans to find only pieces of food.
No loud rallies protesting against an unjust ruler.
Just the smell of of crisp nature, and the feeling of soft grass against your back.
Just green and brown surroundings that seem to go on for miles.
At this rate I think I may never leave.
I never thought a place like this could exist but apparently there is, and I'm glad.