Falling deeply in love

by ace   Nov 20, 2008

August 7, 2008 was the day I met this girl named Cristin Boos. It wasn’t expected but the first time I saw her, she just caught my eyes, it seems like I cant get her out my mind no more, looking at her bright and shiny face, those nice long blonde hair, her hazel eyes, her smile that never fail to give me a reason to smile. I know from the first time I saw her that there is something with this girl that no one have. I fall for her fast, its like I was dreaming, I liked her, then after a months of being friends with her, she makes me fall more, she make me fall in love, I love being with her, hanging out with her, talking to her on the phone. She makes me do things I never wanted to do. I ask her a question, but seems like it will never be answer “yet” anyways. The love I feel for her gets stronger everyday, her smiles just melt me; her sweet voice just makes me want to die, her personality, her simplicity. I love the way she laughs and the way she talks, I don’t like it when she knows if there is something wrong with me, I hate it when she reads my mind. No one ever done that before, everyday seems to be the best days of my life with her, seeing her happy makes me happy. All the days that past by, I never knew how much I’ve been falling for her, my love for her just keeps growing everyday, it seems like I cant stop it anymore. I will sure spend all my life trying to let her know how much she means to me and how much I’ve been longing for her kiss and her hugs. I can’t promise her anything in this world, just my loyalty and honesty. What people say doesn’t matter, who give a shit anyways? They can talk all they want, I’m just a human who fall in love with a Barbie girl. Sometimes I think if I should stop loving her and just move on in life, sometimes I think that it’s better to let go… but NO… why would I? I’ve gone so far to let go… I’ve loved her so long to give up now… I will spend my whole life showing her how much I love her; I will do whatever it takes. Now it’s been almost 5 months that I’ve knows her and the feelings I have for her just keep on growing, everyday… Crazy as it sounds but I think I’m falling deeply in love to this beautiful young lady name Cristin F. Boos.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This is a really great poem, i loved reading it. You should post more. keep it up Shanik

  • 16 years ago

    by Not Enough

    GREAT poem...
    It's HArd To find lovE.
    I've been with my girlfriend for a year now, and I know we'll be together for a long time. We were both to afraid to ask each other out for two years. Until I told someone else and they told her for me lol. It all worked out though.
    GOOD luck with her.

  • 16 years ago

    by marcs bby

    Y dnt u ask her out.

    a was wiv a boy in june bt a didnt love him a loved dis other boy called marc. a always told him dat a loved him n dat it was gettin stronger as days went by. a coulple of weeks later we began 2 lv me da sme way a lved him n den dis one day r finished the lad a was with n oped 4 marc to ask me art, n he did. wev bin togetha even since.

    ask her out dnt b affard, am sure shel say yes if she feels da sme way

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