Comments : We're Through

  • 16 years ago

    by Goodbye

    I like this poem a lot. Ooops. I just revealed I am addicted to sad touching poems. :P

    First, I would change the last line "No more loving you". I do not know why I had this idea since I read it first time. Maybe I just feel your last line is too short comparing the rest of them poem. Maybe it is like this. It is just a suggestion.

    You are right in the poem about the timing of love. Sometimes timing is bad that when one loves someone she does not even notice it or know how to appriciate love. And then...*snaps*... Love start slowly dying like drink a bitter liquid and let it down the throat... And when it is gone she start noticing something has changed. But in this time... Nothing is to be done.

    When the feelings are gone there is no use of crying over them. They won't come back as the same they were. Wise understanding some aspect of love.

    Well done.