Comments : The "Story" Has No Significance.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    A really deep message here, Tabi:)
    I love how your poems reflect that you are becoming more and more mature.
    It is so nice to see many young girls and boys here turning into adults and their poems getting a deeper meaning with the passing of the years:)


    Ingrid 5/5

  • Am like april i really do agree with wat ingrid commented on ur poem..
    tht was soo true
    and u r right,there is no significance!!!
    tabi u r talented and plzzz never ever stop writing:)



  • 16 years ago

    by HaileyHelen

    I liked it... kinda didn't flow to me but the message was very well shown throughout. I thought you did very good... but in one of the stanzas you put ever instead of every.. great job!=]]

  • 16 years ago

    by Hannah

    I didn't really get this that much to start off with, but after reading it a few times through, finally got it, and its good, well done :) x

  • 16 years ago

    by TeenXLoveXTragedy

    Nicely Written. I really liked it. Theres a huge ring of truth to it. Great Job, Keep it up.

  • 16 years ago

    by DarkCrystalbtrfy

    Very intresting style. I like it.

    Well Written

  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    Well, as has been said (many times) above, this had a very deep meaning, i know exactly where you're coming from (been there myself), very truthful. I was a bit confused in the beginning like, "what IS this?" but by about half way through i figured it out, and the end just told me. I liked it. In an.. odd, very pessimistic way lol (though that fits me perfectly), on poem standards though, great job.
    *Chaotic Angel*

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    He I would say that I'm a 5 and proud of it :) I liked this poem it covered the basics. The wording was great and well..very true. I gave this poem a 5/5. I think this is my favorite of yours. Nice job :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Loved In Hell

    I have been in positions 2 and 4.
    Anytime i am in a relationship ( i have only been in two major ones) I always give my entire heart over. I believe in putting in my all.

    Now you know my love life. This is my point this piece of writing makes you get up close and personal with the reader. Thats a really good setting. And the fact that you give so many different perspectives is really great because you express feelings in different ways. Again another way to really connect with your readers really good job.

    The flow was set different really and the stanzas were not really your "average" stanzas but in this particular writing everything fit together and worked perfectly.
    Overall another great job.

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Title - Couldnt have been better.. I really loved it, it was really intriguing and lured me in instantly!

    #1. First scenerio. I love how this poem was broken up in to 5 scenerios and at the end you find out which one you are. Yes, there are some relationships where both love eachother and they never make eachother cry. Wonderfully done. Said in very few words.

    #2. The guy cheats on the girl, yet she still loves him and thinks of him highly, like a precious pearl.. wonderfully worded.

    #3. He loves her, but she just thought it was convient for her, so she leaves.. he is left alone, can't let go, still loves her.

    #4. She loves him, he gets away with everything.. he enjoys the ride, ect. Wonderfully said, I love how some parts rhyme.

    #5. Both love eachother, very genuine and in love. Never cheats, ect.

    Last "stanza".. woow. The message of the poem, VERY well said my dear. Sooo true, there is no significance at all. You did a great job portraying your message. I was speechless.


  • 16 years ago

    by Minkus

    5/5. I really liked the way you set it up. The thing is, I think that you explained too much in the final stanza... I really liked how the reader had to think about the title's connection to the poem and how it granted new insight into the meaning, but then it was laid out plainly at the end. Maybe it's because I don't really agree with the message, which seems to be that fate is both more important and inevitable than what happens before the end, but I think that if you hinted at what you meant instead of just saying it--perhaps by including an extra line at the end of each stanza--it would be cooler. Just my opinion, though, and still, good write!

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Wow I love how different this was! You truly touched on a lot of things many girls and boys experience in this game of love. This is the type of poem that makes a reader truly think and look for the message behind the poets words. I adored each and every line of this because it was so easy for me to relate. I wished this would have been longer because I liked what you had to say about the subject. I felt like there was so much more you coulda added but then again that could just be me addicted to the meaning of this poem and wanting more.

    I loved stanza #1. I think every girl has fallen head over heels for a boy before and you described that emotionally with simple vocab and rhyme but packed it with an immense amount of feeling. Oh boy #2 the player. Its sad to say a girl has run into this type of girl once maybe twice in their lives and they always end up leaving us heartbroken. I recently had an experienced with this type of guy who calls when its convenient and just has you hanging on his every word mesmerized by his charm. Feeding you lies that his love for you is forever and making us believe in a false dream. Well got news for you Mr. Player, theyre only making us stronger and more aware of how guys get girls under their spells.

    I really did enjoy this, you spoke the truth. You go girl!

    I’m glad I read it.
    Well done!
    *5/5* :]

  • 16 years ago

    by Amanda

    Amazing poem! I loved every part of it. Not only does it make sense, it has a great message to it. Wonderfully written! 5/5~