
by HaileyHelen   Nov 24, 2008

One day he'll realize
That I could be the one
He could do what he wants
And he'd always posses my love

He'll remember how he'd smile
and kiss my "lil nose"
He'll remember how he lost me
And that it's just the way life goes

He'll look back one day
And miss me how I miss him
He'll remember at the park
how I missed and kissed his chin

He'll remember how my folder
Was covered wiyh "I love yous"
He'll miss the way I laughed
Whenever I called him "pooh"

I miss the eskimo kisses
And the long, long walks
I miss the way his voice sounds
Everytime he talks

I miss the way he held me
Like he was never letting go
Now I see the reason
I could never tell him no

Everybody says
All good things must come to an end
but I didn't just lose a boyfriend
I lost my one best friend

me and my bf got in a fight and I thought it was over... but he called the next day and told me he was sorry and he loved me so i forgave him... I hope another poem like this never has to be written... =/
weeellll thanx 4 reading=]]


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  • 15 years ago

    by Nate the philosopher

    What a very well written poem
    i liked it


  • 16 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Good poem.

    my favorite stanza would have to be the last one, because its so true.

    good job, i look forward to reading more(:

  • 16 years ago

    by kate

    Wow, this was really emotional but I honestly thought before I read about your boyfriend calling you up the next day saying sorry I was ready to cry but I saw that, and im glad he said he was sorry, im glad you guys are doing better, and hopefully there will not be a poem written again like this but this poem was very good though.

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    "Was covered wiyh "I love yous""
    [Was covered WITH "I love YOU'S"]

    Other than that one small thing you have an amazing poem here. I really enjoyed the read. I don't know about the whole hoping nothing is written like this again. I get not wanting to feel the emotion but this is a great poem and you did so well writing it. I thought it was great.