Lost in Destiny

by Libby M   Jun 8, 2004

When I don’t think of you, my world is at lost
And I feel guilty for not loving you enough
I am tempted everyday to follow a different path
But somehow, someone always brings me back
that someone always makes sure I am back safe in your arms
Though I wish I didn’t have to go through all of this
And you not being here, everyday it gets harder to breathe

My world is so at lost, and my heart is in so much pain
I try to stay away from potential mates, but it gets harder
When physically I find myself always alone
Dreams can only help me sometimes; I want more of you
And the more I need, it is the more you cannot give
But it is not your fault; it has been due to our circumstances
And it is why we are the way we are today
I blame you not, so do not allow yourself to feel the pain

I feel you all the time, and I feel that you know how much I need you
But sometimes I lose all aspect of my emotions
And I am left impassively alone in the dark
And even my feelings cannot reach you, and I become angry with myself
I become angry, because I love you, and feeling those things, sometimes
I feel that I shouldn’t allow, and love should never be shaken at all
Never should love be surprised by anything this world can offer
But when all is said, I am still here left to be all alone

To be alone, maybe its what has been meant for me, maybe
I am born to search in the strangest places for love, but at the end
I am the one to loose
I am almost accurate at all I say and feel tonight, being lonely has been
All I have come to grow to be fitted in my life
I still though wish for you to be with me, and I do still wish
I can taste your beautiful lips
But tonight when all emotions run free, when all has been verbalized
I am still alone

Forgive me if I wander from time to time, rest assured
That never will another man kiss my lips
Have a rest in all of your thoughts, for my heart is bound to be
To no one but to you
I wonder still, when I am wandering off to unfamiliar places
Is that how it will always be, am I to always just dream a dream
Am I to always just hope in something that I cannot see?
Though My faith and my hope is strong and because of God hands
They will always no matter how far I will travel without you,
His hands will always bring me back to your sweet home...

I love you till the never-ending day
To my Love and to the one person I Call to be My one and only true love
Know I think often of you, and every night I stay up wishing you are somehow to find me and to bring me home... I love you


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