Comments : Reception, Perception (Contest)

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Interesting veiw on the subject but I do agree. The wording was great and the flow was nice. I gave this poem a 5/5. You made a good point in this poem. Nice job.

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    Your word choice was great and considering that that you were given a topic to write about, you made the best of it. The words were very positive and I liked these phrases the most "If you think you're a loser than that's what you are
    If you think that wealth is measured by the type of car" These words really hit me because sometimes in life we all consider our selves nothing if we don't have the best. Great Job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by forevertobeart

    The seems a little bit forced to me. In the first lines it doesnt rhyme at all, but I like the dice part, so if you really wanted it to rhyme I suggest changing the 'choice'.

    "Watch your body as it's loweded six feet beneath the grass."

    ^Changed 'loweded' to 'lowered'.

    I thought the message of this piece was nice. Your mind and thoughts are some of the most important things you have. Without them, you might as well be a zombie. I liked this.

  • 16 years ago

    by forevertobeart

    In my first sentence I meant to say,

    "The RHYME seems a bit forced to me."

    Sorry. :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    I enjoyed this poem, I love how you always include deep messages in all of your poems.
    This poem has a good rhyming flow and I would have to say the third stanza was the one that stood out the most for me ^^, anyway awesome message and wicked poem 5/5
    (sorry it took me so long to comment I should have done ages ago)

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    .. The two first lines don't really rhyme , and I'm almost possitive you could figure out something better . And i kept getting thrown off , I couldn't into the flow . I really do like the moral value to this piece though .. It's very wise . 4/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    This followed the topic (of the my contest you entered) very well. It carried you to the next round and you did have competition. There are some flow 'mess ups' in it. And, re-reading it once again I see more than I did the last few times I read it. The first two lines are okay, especially the first. Second line? I think needs some changes. 'isn't a hand' - 'isn't just a hand' ? / 'or a roll of the' - 'or the roll of a' / no comma needed. Second stanza is well written. It flows good and is written nicely as just 2 lines or a stanza in a poem. With the third stanza I'm not too fond of how you began the first line 'it can be measured' - same words as the second stanza. Maybe you should change it up a bit. It makes sense, completely but throws me off. Just find a phrase (or word, etc.) to replace that phrase with and it'll be a nifty 2 lines. (: The fourth stanza I really liked. Second line I wasn't too fond of by itself, but with the first line it's great. REMEMBER: it all goes together, so I shouldn't have even stated that, lol. Fifth stanza needs a comma in the first line ''body [,] then you'll'. Second line isn't great for an ending no need for the comma there.

    I know it seems as if I 'changed' a lot with my opinion but if you think about it I didn't. Err, a lot for a contest round winner, at least. Just tiny things to be honest. And, it's great as is minus the off flow of it. Which can easily be fixed with just one or two of my suggestions. And, I want you to know I'm not saying make this change and make that change cause I said so. I just think some things could be changed, but that does NOT mean that they have to at all. Only my opinion.

  • 15 years ago

    by kelleyana

    I like your poems as usual, but i'd like to see you write in different styles or come "out of your comfort zone", kel.