Nuclear Stamp

by SoUrNameIsTia   Nov 25, 2008

shades drawn closed,
body huddled.

Tick Tick,
Tock Tock,
keep a tight lip,
don't let those tears hit the floor.

In a matter of time,
by the choices of others,
for doomed and for destined,
life was stamped onto a nuclear clock.

.....could one ever think the effect?

*This is a trick poem. For you, it's your decision on what it's about..and what the ending means. To you, or what it truly means.*

--All Poems by Tia E


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  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    Very creative poem; love it.

  • 16 years ago

    by adriaan

    I love it. It's so abstract. :) As for what it's about....could be a nuclear bomb (but or about someone who's lying in hospital knowing that they're going to die in a few days, or a funeral, or something that happened because someone was too late to help.
    I also have a feeling it's none of those, haha.

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael Verterel

    This is tricky indeed...
    I know it involves time, and something about us, but the true meaning remains unseeing...