I have been through what you can no longer see.
I loved a man who can no longer save me
I sing,I dance, I work
at a place where girls are no longer pure
I hated my life but I can't just go
I have a sibling that is behind my steps
My body was ruined but not I
my soul is within me, that is what they can't have.
I closed myself up and let no other in
that other can't just be any man
but I am a woman and my heart is soft
I open my eyes and with a blink he was gone.
I was in a accident, I was alone
no one but me and my sibling
sitting here for him to come
He was gone with my life
He took the money that I created from my job
He took my soul
I am longer consider a toy
The life that I have suffered is no longer here.
I gave it up
As I cross the street
I stared at this shining light
..My life that I have suffered for...
- Sorry my dear sibling I have to go