Insanity's Steed

by Frederick Mayer   Nov 26, 2008

In the fair lady's chamber,
night's mare adorns the bony grotto,
brain's cranium hall,
with grotesqueries languorous
and caused her languid fall...
What did she see...
Before her fine looking glass
of cut crystal, vial of a perfumed liquid
drawn from flower seeds,
those whose Drink-me freed Id.
Lascivious and sublimity
breasts engage carnival dark imp's demon mind,
insanity's steed with mystic orbs in its sockets
ponders the question, "Does she dream-think of me?"

c Frederick J. Mayer


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  • 16 years ago

    by Frederick Mayer

    Thank you very much for taking some of your valuable time and energy to comment/vote on my poem. It means a lot to me!

    I do have some of my own books of verse, but they have been out of print for some years now :)