by Brittany C
I like this poem. The flow was good and the flow was nice through out the poem. I gave this poem a 5/5. |
Okay well, i couldn't find anything wrong grammar wise. (good job) but.... i got a bit lost after you started talking about odds and evens.. and then the last two lines... ugh. Sorry, im really confused. Was this about death? Im not sure.. :/ Well, good job anyways. |
Okay, again... I don't really understand how you get your originality.. every one of your pieces shows your talent to take something and turn it into a masterpiece. :] I'm impressed, again.. this definatly deserves a five/five. I didn't see anything wrong with this. The title is so appealing! Wow.. it lured me in a snap! It's like you contradict(is that the right word) yourself.. cause you say you Dislike the Brackets in the titles.. but then again, you go use them. |
by Cyber Saiyan
I comment as I read for the first time, so it should be pretty easy to follow. |
First Stanza;; I get the image or someone walking right by you--and you can just feel that they're leaving; it's over. No words are spoken, because the vibrations of his departing footsteps say everything. You'd secretly given him more chances than one, but he never bothered to turn the sheets and look. So he stomped all over you, but you never walked all over him--hence, the heart on your pant leg, because a heart on your sleeve would be so much easier to see and to take. But despite this, he was the only person that saw you--truly saw you. And for that, you adored him. |