Perfect Family ( synchronicity)

by Crystal Rose Blooming   Nov 29, 2008

Crystal Vase on an oak table
Vibrant colors brighten the room

Purples and pinks a splash of white
Accented with dark and light green

Sun shinning creates a rainbow
Reflecting through the vase prisms

Wind blowing the curtains inward
Essence of flowers fill the room

Laughter of children on the breeze
Contagious when it hits your ear

A Puppy sleeping peacefully
Soft warm bundle needing our love

A happy family portrait scene?
Hidden flaws or perfection gleam?

Reality wished in a dream.
Or a movie on the TV?
You guess

Syllable count 8-8-2
8- three line stanzas un-rhymed

last two lines written with a twist


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    For some reason this left me feeling rather sad i'm afraid, it was very well written and you paint a real pretty mental picture Crystal, but the ending left me sad
    Well written


  • 16 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    For some reason this left me feeling rather sad i'm afraid, it was very well written and you paint a real pretty mental picture Crystal, but the ending left me sad
    Well written


  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    This form is on my list to try and you have made it look so easy. Very well written and now I shall be all day trying to figure out the answer.