Comments : A Savior Of Dementia

  • 16 years ago

    by Crystal Rose Blooming

    I have tears as I read this sad piece. I'm not sure if we are of the same mind, but I know Dementia and you have penned that so well, maybe not being able to fully remember is the savior of such. Well penned in deed , deep, touching and just tear rendering

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    I cannot feel your words anymore.

    I really like that line. You can't feel words, but that's why I like you. You have to look deeper and give your own meaning to it, whether it means emotions of the words, or something else.

    And i feel them crawling all over.

    Capitalize all your I's mister. XD

    Hmm, interesting poem. Reminds me of a lot of my old old olllld work. The imagery was good, I wish the words were a bit more creative. It looks like something I'd hear out of a movie, said by the evil character that's a billion years old and blah blah blah.

    Maybe use I a little less. Some poems can get away with it, but I think this one would have been better if you combined sentences and just chopped off the I's.

    Other than that it was an all right read. I liked how you worded some lines and it had a dark feel to it which is good. I enjoyed the title as well. Four out of five.

  • 16 years ago

    by Skyfire

    Very strong poem! It took a little bit of a turn at the end--the beginning seemed very dark, but at the end you bring hope back into it.