Fake Friend....

by BleedingRose   Nov 30, 2008

She's a fake friend. She breaks my soul. She hurts
me cold. I hate each word she speaks, but
she's weak. She fake. Just like cake passed
around for everyone to taste. The way she walks,
they way she talks. It's all fake. I thought I knew her,
just not the real her. She's a back stabber. She fake.
Her face is fake, her hair is fake, talk is fake, and her
walk is fake. It's all fake. It makes sick of fake people
can get. Sad....


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  • 16 years ago

    by ShyandHurt

    Make sure you reread your poems to make sure you don't leave out words otherwise it gets a little confusing ;-) I liked the idea though, speaks to so many girls who have had "friends" like that.