Fear of them

by benjamin   Dec 1, 2008

Fear of them
Fear of all
What will they think
Will they be in awe

Do they think im gay or of the such
Be smarter, be stronger
"you write, haha"

Laughter about
Fear within
Will I have to hurt someone
To show my within

What will people think of me
"your crazy, psychotic"
"go home, your not wanted"
Thats what ill get
I know it already

My hand on her throat
Her body held up high
And words flowing far from just a sigh
For fear, I cannot die

She will push my limits
As they will see
Slashing open wounds with words of key
Jagged and sharp, now they see
How my life felt, just for me


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Wow, this is a powerful piece. very nice flow. keep it up. Shanik

  • 16 years ago

    by XxBloodxXxDreamsxX

    Thats really good. Great job