I'm sorry I drank too much.
I'm sorry you were there.
I'm sorry I was there.
I'm sorry I didn't listen.
I'm sorry we even spoke.
I'm sorry it was cold outside.
I'm sorry that you were there to keep me warm.
I'm sorry you told me that about your girlfriend.
I'm sorry you told me that about how you felt.
I'm sorry I don't feel the same way.
I'm sorry you said we were best friends.
I'm sorry we aren't even friends.
I'm sorry you said you loved her.
I'm sorry you said you wanted to marry her.
I'm sorry you said you thought we were supposed to get married.
I'm sorry I told you I hated you.
I'm sorry I ran away.
I'm sorry you tried to help.
I'm sorry this is all I can remember.
I'm sorry I told everyone.
I'm sorry you can't remember.
I'm sorry that this could change everything.
I'm sorry that someone else might remember.
I'm sorry you called me babe.
I'm sorry your face was so close to mine.
I'm sorry I cried on your shoulder.
I'm sorry I cried for her.
I'm sorry you listened.
I'm sorry I said I had no friends.
I'm sorry you said I was wrong.
I'm sorry that the memories are flooding back.
I'm sorry I was scared.
I'm sorry you agreed.
I'm sorry I took your booze.
I'm sorry I didn't listen.
I'm sorry no one else was there.
I'm sorry for your girlfriend.
I'm sorry you can't tell her what happened.
I'm sorry she thinks its funny.
I'm sorry she isn't mad.
I'm sorry we are friends.
I'm sorry that I might have to tell you.
I'm sorry I complained so much.
I'm sorry I took off my jacket.
I'm sorry I took off my sweater.
I'm sorry you took me to a tree to go pee.
I'm sorry I don't know how we got to Tim Hortons.
I'm sorry you got sick.
I'm sorry I fell down.
I'm sorry I fell down a lot.
I'm sorry you caught me.
I'm sorry you told me it was alright.
I'm sorry I'm a horrible person.
I'm sorry you think so too.
I'm sorry you laid there with me.
I'm sorry I ran away from you.
I'm sorry I slurred my words.
I'm sorry you were probably right most of the time.
I'm sorry the real you comes out when you're drunk.
I'm sorry things are going to be weird.