An old love

by dogma I   Dec 1, 2008

I know there’s something there but it just won't come out.
I can see you, but the smile you have is not with me.
Not that it ever was.
The fire that was once in my eyes for us is now just a flame in thought.
A spark that comes out when you can't seem to light that match for that cancer stick so you could relieve tension from the thought of how angry you are for how sadly I made it to be.
I love that you knew me.
So when we ever meet again you will remind me how I was, because I hate how you will ever meet me now.
I feel...
I couldn't even write the emotion that I feel because I don't feel.
I don't feel sad anymore because there's nothing to cry about,
I don't feel angry anymore because the person I want to fight can't come out of the mirror, and yet I don't feel happy.
I don't feel happy because this happiness that is that once was would be that time in memory now when we were listening to music on headphones going to City Walk on a day that shouldn't of happened for any man in a relationship.
Therefore it was a type of selfish happiness that couldn't be shared so it was left not with me.
But I've no need for any type of emotion at the moment, seeing as to how the only thing that ever stayed as it always will shadow.
But my shadow never felt anything before.
No matter how many times it’s been stepped on it never cried, or screamed, or anything for the matter.
Just mimicked whatever movement I did.
It never complained.
At least....I just can’t believe that through it all.
It came down to me and my quiet friend.
Lonely as me yet stuck together as long as a mortal life is given.
I'd of loved you before.....
And we would've been happy.
But I can't love now because I know what it means.


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