
by HuRtInG bEcAuSe Of YoU   Dec 1, 2008

I drank for joy
and became miserable.

I drank for sociability
and became argumentative.

I drank for sophistication
and became obnoxious.

I drank for friendship
and became enemies.

I drank to help me sleep
and awakened exhausted.

I drank to gain strength
and it made me weaker.

I drank for exhilaration
and ended up depressed.

I drank to help me calm down
and ended up with the shakes.

I drank to get more confidence
and became more afraid.

I drank to make conversation
flow more easily and the words
came out slurred and incoherent.

I drank to diminish my problems
and saw them multiply.

I drank to feel heavenly
and ended up feeling like hell.

Today...I will not drink.


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  • 16 years ago

    by TiffanyTrippout

    The poems tells me you're a recovering alcoholic(?). Well if it's true, I'm glad you're doing better.

  • 16 years ago

    by DAMO

    Great stuff....well done

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