We of them in scar firesfuneral
stolen /from wishholes/
some screamlayereD, dumbstripped
+ beaten on ground, wasteful (oldcold but some
never on torrid cold when no heat apparent)
to white sex moonless a(glow light stuck in icebox
flexed and fractured into unhappiness like light
your sun--) never years
come once last ever or more awake
..:girl's aim strikes a heart, reddripped
down and down falls to sea:..
deadled love inspite with his
over nights pierced/ loves true
scented to-and-with your silver
eyes in awe when stealing nights
oh-so red!
(never touch lips deserving)
falling down you, ---.burn desire to the ground.
aching body in trembling clutch,
so as to feel heat eternally pouring off