The Zodiac Killer

by Rowena Ravenclaw   Dec 2, 2008

It's the pain
That drives me crazy
Totally insane
As I take a gun
To blow some minds away
Its the pain
That drives me crazy
Totally insane
As I scream and rave
With a gun I do wave
Some people tells me to behave
When really I am insane
Its the pain
That drives me crazy
Totally insane
With a gun in my hand
To commit a terrible crime
And not do the time
Its the pain
That drives me crazy
Totally insane
Is there any one out there
Who can save me
From the pain
As I scream and rave
With a gun I do wave
Its me I need to save
Totally insane
Zodiac is my name
Killer I am
Yet no one knows
Who I truly am
Its the pain
That drives me crazy
Totally insane
At night I do kill
I'm totally ill
On my birthday
I do my dirty deed
The soul it does feed
Its the pain
That drives me crazy
Totally insane
For my name is Zodiac
And no one knows
Who I truly am

** This poem is about a TRUE case in America


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Disaster

    Wow. this poem is awesome.
    i actually just watched a movie about the Zodiac Killer.
    i liked how you repeated
    Its the pain
    That drives me crazy
    Totally insane

    well done

  • 16 years ago

    by Wishmaster

    Wow. A first in my book. a historical GOOD poem is first. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    It si creepy enought to read the poem but to knwo ti si a true case!!!:~~~~~that is creepy

    ok about the poem !!

    i knwo ti si a fast rhythm and i love it that way , but 1 block words make the reader run away !!in my opigniona dnt eh reader eye tired from reading !!

    if those are feelings realted to you in soem ways !! i would say !! that is a very very sad things !! but i hope it si not!!


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