The First Time For Us

by Deven   Dec 3, 2008

Its thanks giving and u were able to sleep over.
After we ate we went to my room.
We tried to watch a movie but are emotions got the best of us.
It started with a kiss, one lead to anther.
Then things got hot, off with my shirt.
Then came the bitting and with each bite it drove me crazy.
I could see it was doing the same for her.
We were both battling are minds with are hearts.
Then she said it, she said just how she felt.
She told me she loved me, my heart skipped a few beets, thats went i said it back, i told her i love her.
it felt so right to say it.
As the night went on we talked about how we felt, after that we started over again.
The kissing then the bitting......then i asked if she trusted me?
Her answer was "Yes".
Thats when she lost her pants.
I slid my hand form her knee to thy.
Her skin was so soft and smooth.
One thing led to anther, we let lose are emotions and i asked how far can we go.
The answer was clear.
Are body's were trembling we started slow and she was in control.
With every thrust are body's were one.
When all was done i felt even more close to her then ever. I never want to lose her.
I am really in love.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Lauren Dillon

    -not sure why I re-read this- but all I'm going to say is Thanksgiving has a whole new meaning...for two reasons. This memory for one & my son for the 2nd.

  • 12 years ago

    by D Jon Versatino

    Love the flow. It remind me, lol

  • 14 years ago

    by Pink Butterfly

    Nicely done!!! Keep on writing...!!! God bless you!!!

    -Pink Butterfly-

  • 16 years ago

    by catherine

    I love your poem its sweet and somehow romantic and i know how it feels to loose a loved one but through it all keep your head up

  • 16 years ago

    by megan

    I dont know what to say... this poem had more emotion in it then i have seen in a long time, it was very well written and i really enjoyed reading it keep it up! 5/5