Testing the Water

by Gabba Gabba Hey   Dec 3, 2008

Red fluorescent smiles cloud my mind
and dull blue memories clear them away.
This purple clarity only confuses me,
and adds mistrust to a sea of dying love.

For you, green may be the color of nature,
but for me it's only the color of a face in sickness.

Eternally, green colors my movements;
feeling too comfortable a facade,
a roommate too hard to kick out.

Aromatice breezes recall to me
sweet crowns of orange, a calming,
healing color that bathes my skin
in warm comforts tragedy

and smiles with rainbow-like quality fall from my
desperately red mouth.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Ares

    Wow, this was one complicated poem! I love it when you go all poetic on my ass! (that came out wrong, but you get the idea)

    I had to read it a couple of times, but I think I understood the messsage.

    The last stanza/verse did it for me, great stuff!