Comments : The Ball Ends.

  • 16 years ago

    by kate

    Wow. you have a little shakespear in the beginning, everything about Cinderella and it seems like at the end its like a Romeo and Juliet thing. This was very interesting, I kinda got lost in some of it, but other then that, I really did enjoy reading this =]

    keep it up.
    keep on writing.
    love always and forever.

  • 16 years ago

    by xToBeWithYoux


    I'm quite literally speechless, there are some reaaally strong emotions here that you have captivated beautifully! This is a great piece of work, I'm glad it's featured.

    Cya around,
    Emilyy :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    This is extraordinary. Although it has some of the bland content of much of the teen poetry on here (razorblades, suicide, and isolation) you've portrayed the central characters in such a way that it's not easy to see where the poem is going to end, once you get going. All in all this makes for quite a captivating read, even if the outcome is perhaps revealing of age more than you may have intended. Very interesting!

  • 16 years ago

    by ForeverASickKid

    OMGG i love it!! so amazing!!!