My Heroine

by Smilesunshine   Dec 4, 2008

My latest addiction
is not coke, weed, or acid
its not made up in fiction
its held close to my heart
nothing made of plastic
its not materialistic

Its the boy who makes me smile
who laughs when I act like a child
He holds my heart close
This is one addiction of which
I don't mind an overdose

Do what you please with my heart
its yours now
it was from the start
wear it on your sleeve
or around your neck like jewellery
just promise you wont leave

your my heroine
the one i live for
my sweetest sin
my guardian angel
now and forevermore


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  • 16 years ago

    by Kimberley

    Awww... that was so sweet. i love how you compare him to drugs. it sorta feels like that when your in love and you did an amazing job of putting that into words. 5/5. i personally loved it. ~KM~