Comments : Life is full of too much stress

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    I really loved this poem, it was written in your perspective.. which I loved cause I knew your feelings and such were true throughout. I found this something I could connect to myself. My life is always full of so much stress because of many reasons.. and stress often leads to that pessimistic attitude.. yet.. you know you should be more optimistic about things.. but sometimes all the stress buliding up doesnt always allow that, does it? I totally knew where you were coming from in this poem. The line that I thought was so true was.. when you were talking about getting your braces on and how your doctor told you.. "It only gets worse before it gets better." That quote is so very true.. try to live by it. :] Some things will get worse before they get better.. its only how life goes.

    Well done sweetie.
    I found myself able to connect to your
    emotions and feelings very well, and
    I found it really easy to understand where
    you were coming from.. cause I deal with
    stress on a daily basis too as well as many
    other people.. its life for ya!

    Anyways, I have to give this poem a 5/5.
    You definatly had some great vocabulary
    in this write.. which really attracted my
    attention as well. For a title, I'm terrible
    at suggestions.. but simply you could do..
    "Life Causes Me Too Much Stress." Or..
    "Stress is Consuming my Life." ha, really..
    I dont know. I'm terrible at coming up with
    titles. Anyways, well done sweetie.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Sadness turns to a hopeful outlook. I am glad for the last verse in your poem, the others were so sad and this one shows you have hope for the future. Good Job. 5/5