
by Teria   Dec 5, 2008


Bellona don't you dare fear,
preparation is required in time
for what's to come.

Bellona don't you dare fear,
the tears will fall today,
preparation is required in time.

Bellona don't you dare fear,
the artists have come to rescue,
the tears that will fall today.

Bellona don't you dare fear,
time will change all the days through,
the artists have come to rescue.

Bellona don't you dare fear,
the hostile merriment soon shall fade,
time will change all the days through.

Bellona don't you dare fear,
fall has come to an end tonight,
and hostile merriment soon shall fade.

- - - -

adj. Warlike or hostile in manner or temperament. See Synonyms at belligerent.

1432, from L. bellicosus, from bellicus "of war," from bellum "war." Bellona was the name of the Roman goddess of war


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  • 16 years ago

    by Minkus

    5/5. This poem says: "Art counteracts War." That's what I got. It seems very cryptic... I think that's a good thing for advanced poetry. However, make sure never to confuse crypticality (lol) with vagueness, the latter of which is bad.

    As for the first two stanzas... I think the first one could be removed/replaced, and most especially (in both of them) the line "preparation is required in time" is very difficult to comprehend. It seems kind of chunky. I would focus on changing that so that it's slightly more clear how it relates to the lines it's paired with in each stanza.

    The fourth stanza could use a little work as well.

    I gave this a five because I think the artistic vision is there, it just needs a bit more polishing.

    I'd appreciate comments on any of my poems that don't have any yet.

  • 16 years ago

    by FallingAngel

    It confused me, but the first 2 stanza's are a lot alke, you may think about rmoving the first one, since the second one is almost a repeat of the first though that is just my opinion. As for the rest of the poem, it was really nicely written, though I don't really understand the whole concept of it. But that's probably just my ignorance showing. Your form of writing is really deep, and I like how you phrased the words. Amazing poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by PS

    To begin with this is a very interesting form. I also think that you should definately say "preparation is" instead of "preparation's" if that is possible. Moving on. I am not really sure what is going on in the poem, but i would assume it has something to do with war/hostilities. The part I don't undersatnd is the artists. but that could just be ignorance on my part. I like the way that you form lines, just the phrasing like: "hostile merriment soon shall fade" and "fall has come to an end tonight"

    Now you had asked about the first two stanzas. I think you should keep them. the way that I am reading this poem is that they are a sort of a prelude, and i tend to like those. It creates a mood for the rest of the poem. i think.

    I hope this is what you were looking for as feedback