by PS
To begin with this is a very interesting form. I also think that you should definately say "preparation is" instead of "preparation's" if that is possible. Moving on. I am not really sure what is going on in the poem, but i would assume it has something to do with war/hostilities. The part I don't undersatnd is the artists. but that could just be ignorance on my part. I like the way that you form lines, just the phrasing like: "hostile merriment soon shall fade" and "fall has come to an end tonight" |
by FallingAngel
It confused me, but the first 2 stanza's are a lot alke, you may think about rmoving the first one, since the second one is almost a repeat of the first though that is just my opinion. As for the rest of the poem, it was really nicely written, though I don't really understand the whole concept of it. But that's probably just my ignorance showing. Your form of writing is really deep, and I like how you phrased the words. Amazing poem. |
by Minkus
5/5. This poem says: "Art counteracts War." That's what I got. It seems very cryptic... I think that's a good thing for advanced poetry. However, make sure never to confuse crypticality (lol) with vagueness, the latter of which is bad. |