I Need To Forget You

by Sofie1991   Dec 5, 2008

It is hard for me
to forget about you
to erase you from my mind
I know it was me
who ended this
But some place inside me
cannot forget about you
your smile
your kisses
or you holding me close all night
But it was not all sweet and lovely
In the end it was a nightmare
and was the reason to end this
But is it the right decision ?
It properly is for me at this time
and then I need to forget
everything about you
and erase you from my mind
But you will always be in my memory
I loved you for the last time
Now I start to forget you

- Sofie 5/12-08 DK


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  • 16 years ago

    by CountlessMoments

    I need to start forgetting JC, uhh i hate this feeling. it kills me inside knowing were not together anymore.