My Only Fate.

by Crystal Gaze   Dec 6, 2008

I've reached my breaking point.
My broken heart can't take any more.
My mind goes from a frantic war to a desolate nothing...
I've lost.
I'm too weak to keep trudging forward.
I'm tired of trying.
Tired of not being normal.
I know life is rough and shit happens, but it shouldn't happen all the time.
There should be some happiness to renew your strength so you can continue
to weather the storm.
I'm tired of everything I have being destroyed.
The sun has abandoned me, and I killed the rainbow.
Rain falls continuously, soaking me to the bone, as I walk blind through the dark.
There's no way for me to get out.
No passing of the storm.
Death is my only mercy...

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  • 16 years ago

    by Hawaiian Chick

    That was amazing! I really felt for you just by the way you described it, great feeling!
    Fabulous job!