Psycopaths christmas

by Obscura   Dec 6, 2008

I watch outside the window as the family sleeps except one who is drunk and surly the bloodshed the bloodshed is about to begin my Christmas has come early i bring the dagger forth it fits like a glove as i thrust it into his chest blood falls and stains the innocent snow he kneels to the ground his dieing heartbeat the only sound after the beating has stopped i cut out his heart against my cold hands it feels hot i walk though the blood stained snow i walk past the door i have an idea and a little more i rip the decorations off the tree and onto the floor this will not be pretty this will be a nightmare a nightmare designed by me i creep upstairs i hear a woman weeping why is my husband a drunk? she cries i want to die i feel that her darkest wish will be granted tonight i burst into the room she begins screaming a flick of my knife and a flash of red and she stops weeping i cut out the intestines theres only one thing on my mind to finish this project and be gone this night i walk downstairs and wrap it around the tree the blood dripping down for all to see i place the heart of a man who never deserved to live on top it seems brighter than a star then i hear the children i must get away far i run past the door and i hear a scream the only one you would hear in your darkest dreams this is my Christmas you should see my Halloween


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  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Such a deep yet thrilling, unique wirte. 5/5, Em

  • 16 years ago

    by Grace

    I loved it! it reminded me of my past and what i wanted to do to my step-dad
    its a 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Marie

    O.O scary !! i love it .. great job.. love how you got into character