Hear ye! hear ye!

by Crystal Rose Blooming   Dec 8, 2008

Hear ye! hear ye!

A proclamation ordered by the king
Honor to be given for wonderful things
A father stands tall among all the rest
Guiding his son, holding him to his breast

Giving him courage, love and hope
He knows he's special daddy said so
Never a moment does he feel less a boy
His father stands tall, his life and his joy

Life's path may seem dark, he lights the way
Shining with pride turning night into day
Holding his hand yet letting him run
Independence is strong, he's having fun

The song his son sings rings in his ears
Melody of love in his fathers tears
Symphony of happiness, songs not complete
Years of love, he lies at his feet

******For Michael ( Mr.Darcy) **********
You are here by knighted Father of the Century


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  • 16 years ago

    by noha

    Its realy great poem and it deserve to be in contest,i love ur simple words ,the feeling deep inside,you got my vote ,keep in ur good work

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    Awww. That's beautiful. :D I love Mr. Darcy. <3<3<3 ^_^ He's kick ass.

    The only thing I have to say is work on punctuation a little more. Only small mistakes, other than that I loved it. The rhyming was brilliant and I love how you made it a royalty thing. It made it unique seeing how you could have done the simple thing and went with modern times and using actual names. But that is very cool. Loved it. Five out of five. :]

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Wow Crystal this was beautiful and very deserving for a kind soul like Darcy. It was a very sweet gesture on your part and if everyone was as caring as you then this world would be a better place.

    "Holding his hand yet letting him run"
    ^I loved this line!

    Well done.
    *5/5* :]

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Very well done! This was very sweet of you to do for Darcy :] Darcy is a very sweet father who only deserves the best for him and his son.

    What a thoughtful write Crystal.
    Well done sweetie!

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    ...I am lost for words, I mean really I am!

    Crystal, thank you so much for this wonderful dedication. While I was reading it I was thinking, hey this dude is one hell of a dad to have Crystal writing about him, I wonder if she'll say who it is...well, as I said, I'm speechless.
    I have just returned from the hospital with him. Everyone there is so proud of him as he is doing so very well. They have said that he can reduce the nights where he has to have intraveinous feed. He has had a growth spurt and as getting stronger by the day.
    So you can imaging how I reacted when I read this, It sent shivers through me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


    Michael *still sniffing*