All You Gave Me Was Goodbye

by CalebxXxPoet With A PurposexXx   Dec 8, 2008

Life is hard it always has
but maybe someday that will change
I thought I needed you to get by
But all that changed when you said goodbye
goodbyes are like a fading rain
It just slowly fades away

Thats what you did like nothing happened
but we both know what really happened
You told me things I know were true
You talked me out of believing you

So now im here all alone
but I don't care all you gave was a phone call
all you started was a brawl

I'm over it now
I can say goodbye
to an obsession
that only gave me depression

I truly thought that you were different
but now I know your like the rest
my obsession for you is now gone.

now I deleted you from my phone
I thought I needed you in my life
But all you left me was goodbyes.

-copyright- Caleb Hammett


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  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    I can say you are great to express from your poem ,

    i can say the structure and line length was a bit off , but i could see the emotion very clear ,you seem write it in very emotional time ,..
    the rhyming was a bit off and repeating words weaken a poem , try avoiding that ...

    but the emotion can exuse that here great one ^_^

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