Contorted Perfection

by Cotton Candy Clouds   Dec 9, 2008

You have a pull on my heart
no matter how far you are.
You make me hope that one day my life will
become that wish being carried on a shooting star.

It makes no sense for
my heart to crave you.
You're so ruthless and bitter.
But every time, right on cue.

Just a single glance
in your glistening eyes.
My stomach gets filled with clouds
and I'm walking on butterflies.

Why can't I be attracted
to someone healthy for me?
Instead, I get the
ex-convict to be.

There is no justified reason for us to
be together, besides the connection.
That's why you will always just
be my contorted perfection.

Copyright © Composed Catastrophe All Rights Reserved


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  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    Well, oddly enough, considering the content, this poem made me laugh. :]

    You got me and a really good mood.. which that alone you deserve props for, haha. But, now.. Down to business. :]

    Here we go...
    As for your grammar, its flawless minus one line.
    "and i'm walking on butterflies."
    "and I'm walking on butterflies."
    Err. I can understand how you could miss it, just wanted to point it out for you.

    I think it was this stanza precisely that made me laugh a bit:
    "Why can't I be attracted to
    someone healthy for me?
    Instead, I get the
    ex-convict to be."
    I'm sorry, it's just.. the wording, its just funny in my opinion, how you worded that was just great. Truly great. :]

    "It makes no sense for
    my heart to crave you.
    You're so ruthless and bitter.
    But every time, right on cue."
    Ah.. and the work starts... *sigh* Here. Let us see.. I know how you wrote this, since it works with the next stanza, it's just that.. when you write a stanza, normally the stanza is on its own, like.. say this stanza for example:
    "You have a pull on my heart
    no matter how far you are.
    You make me hope that one day my life will
    become that wish being carried on a shooting star."
    When you've finished reading it, you're not like "what is she talking about?" And on the stanza i mentioned beforehand, you are kinda left like that, it doesn't seem to work that well for me. Just so you are aware. :]

    "Why can't I be attracted to
    someone healthy for me?"
    On these two lines (now, you don't have to change this, im just pointing it out) i think it might sound a teensy bit better like so:
    "Why can't I be attracted
    to someone healthy for me?"
    Not a big change, just enough i believe. :]

    And now, i believe we have come to a close on this comment. :]
    Great job. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This romantic poem reflects the age old mischief of eros or cupid the personfication of erotic love
    by the way it is very well written

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    This poem is absolutely fantastic.I the storyline of the poem of a girl falling for a bad boy and how you portray the things that doesn't make sense but something that you long for

    Just a single glance
    in your glistening eyes.
    My stomach gets filled with clouds
    and i'm walking on butterflies.

    ^^^ I love the way you describe this

    Overall I love the poem. I was such a delightful to read.You have done a great job with the flow and excellent choice of words to portray this poem

    5/5 from me

  • 16 years ago

    by Krista

    I really liked the flow of this poem. It was a very good read, and i really enjoyed it. My favorite stanza had to be the onw with butterflies and clouds. the words flowed so beautifully.


  • 16 years ago

    by rebeccasarah

    I loved this!
    its just makes me smile.
    you're define love not of someone perfect or flawless, but that its really not up to you , its what your heart tells you .

    the whole poem is great :)