Comments : Contorted Perfection

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid


    Love rules our heart and the brain has no infuence on it! We wish it to, but we cannot control has a mind of his own:)
    I hope all will work ou for you, sweet girl:)
    Great poem, I enjoyed it!


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "My stomach gets filled with clouds
    and i'm walking on butterflies."
    `Adorable. <3 You usually hear it said.. something like my stomach fills with butterflies.. this is unique and original.. well done..

    Great ending, loved how perfectly the title was incorporated into this piece.

    Wonderfully done.
    Nearly flawless.

  • 16 years ago

    by rebeccasarah

    I loved this!
    its just makes me smile.
    you're define love not of someone perfect or flawless, but that its really not up to you , its what your heart tells you .

    the whole poem is great :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Krista

    I really liked the flow of this poem. It was a very good read, and i really enjoyed it. My favorite stanza had to be the onw with butterflies and clouds. the words flowed so beautifully.


  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    This poem is absolutely fantastic.I the storyline of the poem of a girl falling for a bad boy and how you portray the things that doesn't make sense but something that you long for

    Just a single glance
    in your glistening eyes.
    My stomach gets filled with clouds
    and i'm walking on butterflies.

    ^^^ I love the way you describe this

    Overall I love the poem. I was such a delightful to read.You have done a great job with the flow and excellent choice of words to portray this poem

    5/5 from me

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This romantic poem reflects the age old mischief of eros or cupid the personfication of erotic love
    by the way it is very well written

  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    Well, oddly enough, considering the content, this poem made me laugh. :]

    You got me and a really good mood.. which that alone you deserve props for, haha. But, now.. Down to business. :]

    Here we go...
    As for your grammar, its flawless minus one line.
    "and i'm walking on butterflies."
    "and I'm walking on butterflies."
    Err. I can understand how you could miss it, just wanted to point it out for you.

    I think it was this stanza precisely that made me laugh a bit:
    "Why can't I be attracted to
    someone healthy for me?
    Instead, I get the
    ex-convict to be."
    I'm sorry, it's just.. the wording, its just funny in my opinion, how you worded that was just great. Truly great. :]

    "It makes no sense for
    my heart to crave you.
    You're so ruthless and bitter.
    But every time, right on cue."
    Ah.. and the work starts... *sigh* Here. Let us see.. I know how you wrote this, since it works with the next stanza, it's just that.. when you write a stanza, normally the stanza is on its own, like.. say this stanza for example:
    "You have a pull on my heart
    no matter how far you are.
    You make me hope that one day my life will
    become that wish being carried on a shooting star."
    When you've finished reading it, you're not like "what is she talking about?" And on the stanza i mentioned beforehand, you are kinda left like that, it doesn't seem to work that well for me. Just so you are aware. :]

    "Why can't I be attracted to
    someone healthy for me?"
    On these two lines (now, you don't have to change this, im just pointing it out) i think it might sound a teensy bit better like so:
    "Why can't I be attracted
    to someone healthy for me?"
    Not a big change, just enough i believe. :]

    And now, i believe we have come to a close on this comment. :]
    Great job. 5/5