God Took Him

by Fanny   Dec 10, 2008

The baby didn't get to see the light
God took him to a place where its alright
God took him to the sky
Where the baby will live and not die
God took him and nobody knows why
All we know is that hes in a better place
Before God took him, they took a picture of his deformed baby face
Hes in heaven now
Where he, a journey will take
God took him for a good reason
Baby Lopez peacefully died in the warm season
God took him before he would talk
and before he would take his first walk
and before he would meet his sister and brother
Before he truly met his mother and father
The tears were shed for the lost family member
Hes in our hearts now where he will be remember
Little Baby.


The baby that i talk in this poem is my cousin. Short after i wrote this, i got a call that a other baby had die of my aunt. Two babies had die at the same week. I wrote this poem 2 days later the baby had pass away and when i finished writing the last two lines i got the call... it was sad.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Omar

    Dang, i'm sorry. This is really sad.
    But it was still a great poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Awwww man thats sooo sad. at least he is in a better place and thats true only god knows

  • 16 years ago

    by Hermosa

    Very sad...but I'm sure both of the little angels are in a better place now....Good Poem

  • 16 years ago

    by jessie

    I am soo sorry for you and your familys loss but the poem is great and keep up the good work.