Never The Only One (Always The Lonely One)

by Im Not Emo   Dec 10, 2008

Here I stand hoping my memories fade
I battle my thoughts like a bloody crusade
I can burn all my notes and photographs
But Ill never forget how I was torn in half
You brought on tears that fell like ice
Still after that to you I was nice
It wasnt my heart break that you did intend
Lastly of all I still chose to be your friend
My sleeping schedule has gone of the chart
All because you have broken my heart
Yet you choose to go after more then one
I don't know if you just do it for fun
In the end I'm the one hurt and left to cry
While you took a piece of me without a goodbye
In the morning I sob "Why aren't I the only one?"
At night I scream "I'm always the lonely one!"
This page has turned, you were just a chapter
Some day I hope to look back with laughter
But right now in agony I'll bask in my pain
As my heart bleeds an endless red rain


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  • 16 years ago

    by Shelby Anne

    This was an amazing poem, love the writing skills

  • 16 years ago

    by jessie

    I loved this poem and keep up the good work. Amazing