Electric No-Winks

by Minkus   Dec 11, 2008

Why is it just
so electrifying
to have so little sleep?
Do so many little things, going unsorted,
take upon themselves animation, in a whirlwind
that rises, rises, spinning--are they stealing from my final minutes, days, years?
Basically, is this worth the hours of heads slumping over desks
the moments of leaning against walls, only half-finished
despairing in earnest then... just to feel
for these few minutes
alive and awake
in a different way?
Maybe it's a wire tap, like the Patriot Act, intercepting the messages from the sleeping mind and applying them
with the careless precision of a murderer
to other spans of seconds, sometimes useless and disheartening, but now

Maybe this is what it's like to record--or live? one's dreams
So I'll write volumes and volumes, and yet a picture's worth a thousand words
With a film I could show you what it was actually like.
I have no recording reels, nothing to lure you in
nothing to capture you but me in words

Bolts of lightning


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  • 16 years ago

    by StarGirl

    My favourite part was,

    "is this worth the hours of heads slumping over desks
    the moments of leaning against walls, only half-finished
    despairing in earnest then... just to feel
    for these few minutes
    alive and awake
    in a different way?"

    That was just so beautifully written for me. I think the poem has a lot of kinks to work out (i'm no better lol) but I really like it. The last stanza could have been left out for me but otherwise it's great. :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Anthony Duvalle

    Wow this is really quite interesting. I love it. Its almost like a spoken verse piece but it's a bit odd to say aloud. I really love the beginning, about insomnia, I have insomnia mostly because of the anti-depressants I take, but also because there's so much stress just to stay awake and get things done, these things that in the end have such little meaning and yet we spend all our time completing them. I think that's the point you were trying to get across and I loved it. Not to say it took me a couple times reading it to understand, but writings should be like that. Obscurity is key at times. Truly excellent 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    "nothing to lure you in
    nothing to capture you but me in words "
    ^^ i guess thats what everyone has here... to express through words..

    and you definately did a good job...

    very different kind of imagery you have painted here... its seems somethings going inside you, trying to burst out and it took the shape of words...

    well written..