Amidst the Seasons (R.I.P ADAM)

by Trying to hold on   Dec 11, 2008

Daffodils had no shadows
When I thought of you
In springs morning light
Your smile glistened through

Amidst summers heat
Your life came undone
In one final decision
You faded into the sun

Dead leaves covered earth
Trees stood lonely and bare
As autumn stopped breathing
My heart began to tear

Icy winds prick thy heart
Behind shadows in the night
Opening frozen wounds
Alone in winters darkened light


R.I.P ADAM, Killed by Depression, Summer(January) 2008, I love you Adam, I'll always love you Adam...


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by shannel

    Nice poem.
    i just lost a friend named ADhAM on the 19th of this month and your poem just brought me to tears because it expressed how i truelly feel.thanx.

  • 16 years ago

    by Angeleea

    Very touching. It made me cry and I know your pain. I've lost a few friends and 1 to depression. Congrats on your win as well. It was much deserved

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid


    Congrats on the win!!!!!!
    You truly deserved it:)

    (((big hugs)))


  • 16 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    Each line had a stunted, hollow frailty to it. There were no obvious attempts to find artificial flow or continuity, it just rolled along in a sincere yet abrupt manner. This poem was an ice cube down the neck of seasonal cheer. I hope it reaches the target audience with aplomb. :-)

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Good use of metaphors in this deeply saddening piece. I am sorry for your loss. Depression is such a horrible thing and the grief felt by the ones left behind is very hard. Excellent job on this piece, good flow and word choice and is void of forced rhyming.

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