Angel in Red High Heels (Terza Rima Sonnet)

by Sylvia   Dec 11, 2008

(Dedicated to Ingrid, AKA Dream Angel, AKA Healing Spirit tpfka Broker)

Bathing suit, sunglasses, and red high heel shoes.
Lying on the beach and soaking up the sun,
she's dreaming of taking a long ocean cruise.

An incurable romantic, full of fun,
Dream Angel, she has a secret need for speed.
She races a green chevy, won't be outdone.

Betty, her doggy and her son all she needs.
Healing Spirit writes poetry, paints as well.
She's always there for others online indeed.

Ingrid is her name and she is a real belle,
devoted member of Beyond a Poets Mind,
a rock for others, as a friend she is swell.

Fun loving, but don't be fooled, she is refined.
She refuses to let life leave her behind.

Copyright © 2008 Sylvia All Rights Reserved
**********************************************A Terza Rima is a poem with an eleven syllable count in each line and a rhyming scheme of aba, bcb, cdc, dd. For even more of a challenge, try the Terza Rima Sonnet. This form of poem has an eleven syllable count in each line and a rhyming scheme of aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Nee

    Aww Sylvia..
    Such a nice tribute to an awesome person ^.^
    you're lucky you have her as a friend, and she's lucky you wrote her this lovely tribute =)
    I love the piece and you managed to pen it really well !
    I love how you mentioned her name in almost every stanza..that was really likable.

    Congrats for both ^.^
    And Sylvia keep up the excellent work !

  • 16 years ago

    by expressivechild

    A very beautiful tribute to a very beautiful soul indeed! She is a very very good friend of mine and I am deeply touched. Her presence in my life has made me feel relieved knowing that there is someone in this world who is so kind and caring despite all the sorrows and pain of this cruel world.

  • 16 years ago

    by David

    So true, some lines were put together quite nice, yes ingrid is a very lovely lady indeed. but friends like you and others make her who she is, in a good way. great tribute and nicely layed out.

    "Betty, her doggy and her son all she needs."

    hmmmm, interesting and ok.

    5/5 David

  • 16 years ago

    by SADADDY

    This is a beautiful dedication for your friend and fellow poet. Thank you for sharing it with us and I enjoyed the read.


  • 16 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    A very nice poem, Great Job!!!