
by Diva the Chiropteran Queen and a Brokencyde and a Twilight Fan   Dec 11, 2008

I don't like to be alone
I always fear that the silence will take over
Silence will consume me whole

It's the same with the darkness
Fearing something will come out and devour me
I hardly sleep at night

The silence and darkness can consume me quickly
I never liked that idea
Sometimes I fear the outcome of the day

It's only a matter of time,
Before both the silence and darkness can consume me whole
I try to outrun that fact

Well, I used to be like that
Now, I welcome the fact that I will die
I don't run anymore

I hide the fact that I slowly will disappear
Hiding the hurt
Keeping my friends from getting closer than they already are

Keep the people I care away
My heart is very fragile
But the guy who hurt me didn't know

He won't
One day, I'll get my revenge
He won't see it coming

Hopefully I'll be around when the world ends
It may take years, but oh well
Let the corruption begin!


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Evil One

    Nice poem, keep on writing

  • 16 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    The destruction of darkness is my soul,
    no heart of pur gold is neer,
    if you want corupion thne coem to me diva,
    the darkness is my soul my salvation.

  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy

    Very emotional.
    Very good.
    5/5 from me!

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