Selfish girl

by Josh   Dec 11, 2008

I do my best to make you happy
I always tell you I love you no matter what mood I'm in
I wait for you to call in the morning at 6:35 before school
When I could be sleeping
I wait for your texts in class
I wait for your call after school which has slowly disappeared
I go out of my way to be free when you are so I can talk to you and be there for you
I listen to every word you say every breath you take
You were the first person I could truly be open with and shared my darkest secret with
I truly love you with all my heart
I travel 300 miles to see you every other week because you miss me
I do everything you ask of me without regret or hesitation
Sadly I feel like I'm the only one
You never have time for me anymore
You stopped listening to me
you even stopped saying I love you to me unless I say it first
You stopped having interest in our conversations
The only conversations we have anymore are you complaining me out for wanting to talk or
Protecting you from people you think is good but has other intentions that you are to blind to see
You tell me all the time you wish you were better and better for me
Well here is the dilemma you are too selfish and stubborn to realize your pushing me away
Well here you go I'm telling you flat out, start trying because talking about it isn't solving anything
I'm tired of being the only one who is willing to work on this
I do love you but stop treating me like a possession that you can toss aside whenever you want

*just me venting after "one of those days"


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Great write 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by XxLastHopexX

    I can definitly see the venting in this. The emotion is there. Next time when you try venting write it just like you did. Then start picking at it. Make it flow more. Throw all you attention and emotion into it. Then it will have more flow and be passionate. THink of the ocfean if that makes any sense at all. That what you you want you poems to be like. deep....beautiful...flowing.....hard to ignore.

    It was well written..but it just a tip...I try to use it myself.

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Many of us have been in this situation, 5/5. Em

  • 15 years ago

    by bekka dollface

    been there, felt that...
    nice venting tho :)

  • 15 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    I already said this, but since my computer stopped being dumb, i think it is beautiful :)

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