Seeking forgiveness... in love

by Sampreeth   Dec 13, 2008

My Love you are caring too,
You are also so cute..My heart says so..
but when you are angry, your temper's high,
You just wont forgive though I am sorry..true...

Though your heart is full of anger red
Its brimming with love..which soothes your head
My begging for forgiveness still meets a NO
though I wanna be close.. you tell me... GO!!

I know I was wrong but punished so harsh
feel my wait, my pleas.. to you seem a farce..
Gimme a hug, my patience dont tease,
I am sorry, my sweetheart...forgive me please!!!

Every word I penned is straight from my heart,
Why ponder??? towards me...come make a quick dart
My plea for forgiveness has an assurance true,
to never repeat this folly.. which your wrath drew...

Forgive me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........... :-(


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