Down a road of rocky bumps
One jump and then two
When I fell and scraped my knee
I looked up but never saw you
Up a sky with big dark clouds
Move right and then left
Praying not to get hit by lightning
I looked down and fell to my death
At the side of a dark thick forest
Blink once but not twice
Stay aware of where you are
Remember your true vice
In the middle of a crisis
Take a step then back two
When I recall on who caused this
It all trembles back to you
What are you doing?
Don't put up a fight
Get your drink and call it a night
Yes we know its three in the morning
And we know that you can't sleep
But rest your head on the pillow
Try to re-live not repeat
Don't try to recreate
When you can just remember
The good times that were had
When you were young
And life had just begun
Running around just because you were free