
by Jade Shadow Rose   Dec 14, 2008

I grow stronger now,
And stronger still,
Physical power,
And an iron-clad will,

No point to defend peace,
Chaos will always instill,
A sense of fear,
The ability to kill,

The dark unknown,
Heaven and hell,
Life and love,
Don't ring a bell,

Insatiable lust and craving desire,
Consuming grasp, a cloud of smoke,
Eternity wrapping around your soul,
Gasp all you want, forever you'll choke,

You can run and scream,
And kick and fight,
And sprint until every flame,
Is gone from sight,

But the moment you close,
Your weary eyes,
It'll all come back,
As a wicked surprise,

It will flood your senses,
Ensare your heart,
And force your body,
To rip apart,

And all this time,
I laught and smile,
My pleasure grows,
For every mile,

You can run all you want,
But the fact is true,
No matter how far you go,
I'm always within you.


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  • 16 years ago

    by rebeccasarah

    You're descriptions are .. phenominal.