Comments : Don't Trust Me

  • 16 years ago

    by HvN

    Great poem, great like... i can't say moral but like.. just great.

    and i twust u =]]

  • 16 years ago

    by Kimberley

    Love it. 5/5. amazing. i think i know where it came from. ~KM~

  • 16 years ago

    by CrossCut

    I loved the ending. It didn't end just, blah, it ended with a good line, I liked it. Overall, I really enjoyed this poem. Great work, 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by TakenSoul

    Well for not knowing where it came from its good 5/5
    hope you can comment/rate me back

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    Again, simply, AMAZING. This was short, but so …. Like, sad, and meaningful. Sorry I cant really find the words to describe it at the moment. It flowed well and you rhyme scheme and wording was just truly excellently done. If that’s a word? Lol. Owel. Keep it up. 5/5 and nothing less!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by LittleMissReality

    Wow that is awesome, It's realy good. It's amazing though how you come up with things when you least expect it

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    "Or this will turn foul." << didn't like that line.

    Other than that there's not much wrong with the poem. The last stanza gives you the title and a bit more meaning/emotion to it. But, I thought that the poem could have done without that and stopped at the stanza before. Makes it a bit more relatable and strong - in my opinon.

  • 16 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    Another beautiful piece great job... I can really relate and I think many other people will as well... glorious... 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "I'm not worth it.
    Don't fall for the lies.
    The smile outside is a mask.
    Just say your good-byes"

    ^^ I love the opening here, so much emotion and depth packed into this first stanza that I'm instantly hooked and can't wait to continue on.

    "I won't blame you,
    If you leave right now.
    But you better go.
    Or this will turn foul."

    ^^ I don't think you need the "I" in the first line, I find it to flow better without.

    "There is no hope.
    It's pointless to try.
    Nothing ends up right.
    Why believe a lie?"

    ^^ I really liked this stanza, it always hurts to realize something you believed in was never true and you portray that well here.

    "Love doesn't work out.
    Something always goes wrong.
    We can't fix this one.
    We're just another sad song."

    ^^ Favourite stanza so far, the melancholy and despair is very well portrayed within these lines, and it hits heard at the heartstrings.

    "You say you love me,
    I love you too.
    But this is stupid.
    Just go find someone new"

    ^^ I found the flow to be slightly of in the last line, maybe try without the"just" or without the "go."

    "These are my thoughts.
    We are not meant to be.
    And when I say this poem is a lie.
    Don't trust me."

    ^^The flow seemed to be of in the last line for me here as well, maybe try "maybe you shouldn't trust me," or something like that.
    That being said, I frikken love this closing stanza, powerful and hard hitting and a beautiful way to wrap up the piece.