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by Curing the Comon Cliche Dec 15, 2008 category : Love, romance / i love you
It rained this morning Before the sun spun into view The water made the street glow It reminded me of you I slipped on the sidewalk Cause the ice was fresh and smooth I lay down and looked at the sky It reminded me of you When I was a kid I thought That stars are red balls of fire Trapped between the Earth and God They grew bright as you got higher I know now I was so far off That stars in space are blue The eyes of a very special person When they glow I think of you Have you ever sat down on a bridge? Have you looked over the side? Right were the water hits the rocks That's where love resides It's a hard concept to get across So forgive me for my short truth But the greatest beauty I have seen I have seen because I love you
by StandStill
I slipped on the sidewalk Cause the ice was fresh and smooth I lay down and looked at the sky It reminded me of you ^^ what's funny is i did that today. i fell over and then i could see the stars and it made me think of you. *shrugs* i really like this one, jesse. it's pretty..