Comments : Alone and Empty

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    No one to listen to my feelings,
    or hear the words spoken from my heart.
    Embarrassment is their reaction,
    they turn away from me with a start.

    Why can't they realize that at this time in my life,
    no response or advice is needed.
    My longing, please someone hear my voice,
    know my world at the moment, alone and empty, unheeded.

    ^^ Within these two stanza's you contradict yourself sweetheart.
    Fist you say people do not want to listen and turn away and then in the last stanza you say no response or advice is needed....

    Usualy when you talk to people they will tell you how they see you or your life...unless you talk about superficial stuff..
    Most people just want a shoulder to rest their head on..and sometimes they do need's hard to tell the difference sometimes:)


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    The thought that I was trying to express is that I only wanted someone just to listen to me, really listen and not turn away thinking they needed to respond or give me advice. Just be there to listen.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Oh, I see now..yes...just listen is all that is needed sometimes, you are very right:)