Citizen Erased

by xToBeWithYoux   Dec 16, 2008

All consuming.
Is there an escape?

I tread on through my meaningless life.
Each footstep is a dirty mark
on the white carpet of the world.

My head keeps low,
ashamed by the world,
afraid of the consequences it brings.

Tears on my cheeks resemble worthless moments.
As each muddy droplet falls onto the ground
pain burns through my unworthy body.

I truly despise this life of mine,
and every sorrow it has caused:

The venomous words spat from this mouth
have caused pain, incomprehensible;

The strangled words of this written hand,
desperate to escape this demented prison;

The repulsive actions of this body,
responding consequentially to the slightest offence.

I sink ever deeper into
this abyss of depression,
finding that the dark walls move:
Crushing, demanding, destroying.

Doors close to me.
Locked. Bolted.
Allowing me no escape
from my omnipresent doom.

As I glide into the darkness,
I snatch one last look at the carpet,
the gleaming white of my forgotten life,
now all faded memories.


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  • 16 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    I loved this...maybe I'm weird, i love it

  • 16 years ago

    by Empathy

    A very in depth piece you have here. I quite liked the title, because it was something different that actually worked brilliantly at the end of the poem. I really liked your depictions of how sorrow takes it's effect toward one's soul, and how over time the apathy within them becomes more and more condensed and difficult to expel.

    Very descriptive and well written. The only thing that threw me off when I read the poem was the use of the word "dirty" twice in the beginning. Not a very big deal though, because I thought the vast majority of the poem was wonderful.

    Excellent work.