Someone Like You

by KemistryKia   Dec 16, 2008

If i knew someone
with as much pride as you
i would watch my back
because i know what you can do

yes sometimes i lie and deceit
but even in the fairest game
you always find a way
to cheat me

if i knew someone
with as much drama as you
i would quickly escape
afraid of pursuit

yes sometimes i cry and play
but even on the most beautiful sun
you always find some way
to ruin the fun

if i knew someone
with all of your attributes
i don't really understand or know
what I'd do

yes sometime i wonder
but even the worst betrayal
couldn't pull me from our
lover's spell

i love you...


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  • 16 years ago

    by Ian Robert

    Lovely! i like i like i do i do

  • 16 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Well spoken dear. many people.. teenagers especially. will be able to relate to this poem. you've pulled it together well. good work