My Two Little Angels.

by Jenna   Dec 17, 2008

My daughter. My son.
My two little angels.
I felt them grow,
I felt their pain,
Oh how it kills me that they must go.
Two pieces of me,
Two pieces of my existence,
Why did God have to take them from me?
My twins,
My angels.
I miss them so.
Four months along, and now they had to go?
I cherish them for the time we had,
and feeling them grow.
Even though I miss them so, I must move on.
And keep them as a lost memory.


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  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    (Btw, you might want to switch around the words "go" and "grow" a bit, you repeated them a bit too much where it wasn't necessary in my opinion....)

  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    I liked all but the last line, it was kinda random. Good story line though, despite the sadness, and the emotion was very well shown.
    *Chaotic Angel*

  • 16 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Very touching poem :(
    such a sad topic but you captured the emotion well and worded it really movingly. well done xx 5/5

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